I was tagged in a blog post making the rounds based on the question, 'Who has been a great leader in your career and what made them a great leader?'
I think I'll join the bandwagon on this way and politely decline on talking about great leaders in my career, except perhaps obtusely, and instead focus on what makes a great leader. What makes a great leader? In my mind, it's the following things:
A leader knows how to advocate for those he is leading, as well as advocating for the things that his followers truly believe are the right direction to go.
A Good Listener
No, this isn't a cheesy personal ad. I think good leaders know how to listen to their subordinates and know when to rely on their technical expertise to help fill in holes in their own understanding of a situation. Using this information, they are able to make good decisions on direction and set challenging, yet attainable goals.
A Keen, Analytical Mind
To me, a leader also has the ability to quickly identify a problem, either because they understand the inner workings of the technology, or the political situation, or because they've listened to their technical experts and know how to synthesize that information in order to make the best decisions. Using this information, they figure out what needs to be done, they know how to direct the resources they have at their disposal, and, because they know their subordinates, they know what they need to do in order to inspire and motivate their employees.
This one is huge. Leaders have to be trustworthy or everything else is pointless. Don't do anything to lose trust. It's really hard to get back.
Connect on a Personal Level
A good leader knows you. They know what motivates you, they know your weaknesses, and they know how to get the best from you. They know how to challenge you without overwhelming you.
And, though I'm not tagging anyone further on this one, I PROMISE to tag at least one person next time one of these blog memes hits me.