Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - Posts

Team Edition for Database Professionals RTM 30 Nov 2006!

Grant Fritchey posts an excellent article about database Unit Testing with Visual Studio at

Grant begins the article with a lament regarding all his work to automate unit testing using TSQLUnit and CodeSmith - only to have Team Edition for Database Professionals come along and integrate this functionality into Team Suite! I nearly shared the same fate.

Earlier this year, I was ready to start a community initiative to develop a plugin for Visual Studio and/or Team Foundation Server that would facilitate automated database testing. My logic: This was long overdue. As a web developer in pre-.Net days, I could practice test-driven development. I found TDD added a self-organizing emphasis to my thinking and work.

When I became a database developer, I searched for similar tools and methodologies for my database objects. To my shock and dismay, there were none. Since that time I've found some but they lacked the crucial integration component I sought.

(aka TEDP or Data Dude) - about to be officially !

Yours truly will be delivering the keynote at the Philadelphia Launch Event that very day!

Database development increasingly consumes more enterprise project development life-cycle time. As application developers take advantage of agile methodologies and development tools like Visual Studio Team Suite, their portion of the development lifecycle improves in quality and takes less time. It was all we poor database developers could do to keep up - and usually we needed to be ahead of the application developers (so they would have data to work with!).

Now, we have a fighting chance.

:{> Andy

Technorati Tags: Team Edition for Database Professionals TEDP Data Dude RTM Test-Driven Development SQL Server Test-driven database development

posted Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:37 AM by admin with 0 Comments