posted on Friday, January 12, 2007 9:08 PM by admin

Stuck at Logan...

Ok. So I'm hanging out at Logan after a great week in Boston (working with some really cool people here on a neat project).

It's a little past 6:00 PM and the flight was supposed to board at 6:30 and leave at 7:00 - but it ain't happening. The latest update is predicting a 45-minute delay... we'll see...

So I'm reduced to blogging about the stuff around me (and Versioning my kids). I could work some, but I've worked a lot this week already.

I'm at gate 9B - in case the flight is delayed even more and you want to drop by and say "Hi!" Because my memory is going, I got confused and told the cab driver to take me the United terminal instead of the US Airways terminal. It was only a half-mile walk. Or so. With luggage. I keep telling myself I needed the exercise, but I digress:

Earlier I watched a guy driving the plane-pusher cart and wondered how much that job pays. That looks like fun. If it was me, I think I would weave and swerve all over the place. I mean, what are the pilots going to do? Get out of the plane and kick my butt? I'd like to see them try!

I think flight delays make me scrappy.

Anyway, I could just see the pilot getting all ticked and flipping me off or shaking his fist at me through the cockpit window. I think I'd just go have me a coffee break about then - and come back afterwards and unhook the plane from my pusher-cart. Oh yeah.

I don't think I'd last long as a plane-pusher... maybe that has something to do with me being canned a few years ago.

:{> Andy

Technorati Tags: stuck at the airport blogging being fired plane-pusher


# Editorial Decision

Monday, January 15, 2007 8:58 PM by Applied Visual Studio Team System

I am making an editorial decision based upon the following: The more I blog about my air travel experiences,...