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Andy's Non-Technical Blog

Andy's Active August - Intro

I'm going to participate in for a couple reasons:

  1. A bunch of my Twitter friends are doing it.
  2. I really need to be more active.

My plans are to go cardio each day. For me, doing something that gets my heart rate into workout range every day for 31 days would be astounding - and very good for me. Most studies say it takes 21 days to form a habit. This has the engineer's allure of 10 redundant days!

I know the value of inspiration in physical activity. I was never good at sports in school - almost always picked last for anything that required speed or physical coordination (not looking for sympathy, just sharing). As I told my oldest daughter earlier tonight: When she was her daughter's (my granddaughter's) age, I was in Basic Training at Fort McClellan, AL. (Note to those considering enlisting: Go NORTH if you're going to do Basic Training in the summer months!) I remember thinking "I'll never make this. I can't run." But I could run. The first morning we got up early (well, "early" if you didn't grow up on a farm) and we ran around a block - probably not more than 1/10th of a mile. We ran in formation. We were in step and maintained a distance from each other. We chanted while we ran. There was a palpable sense of camaraderie. One day near the end of boot camp, we ran about 6 miles. In August. In Alabama. (See previous note...)

I've been inspired by the people in our SQL Server community: Tim Ford, , Thomas LaRock, , , , , , , , , , , , , Brent Ozar, , Joe Webb, Grant Fritchey, , everyone in the Richmond Developer Comunity, and so many others (apologies, I know I left people out!). They share their expertise on Twitter, but they share so much more - their lives. I'm so blessed to be part of this community, and humbled by their acceptance. I no longer feel like the last kid chosen.

It's time. Maybe past time. I've been inspired long enough - it's time to act on the inspiration. So I'm in.

:{> Andy

PS - Steve Jones encouraged me to have a separate blog for personal stuff. Thanks Steve!

Published Sunday, August 02, 2009 1:15 AM by andy
Filed under: Exercise, Active August



Andy's Non-Technical Blog said:

1 Aug 2009: Today's cardio was mowing. About half of the three acres we (and the mortgage company) own

August 1, 2009 9:19 PM
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  • Active August
  • EMPs (Expensive Management Practices)
  • Exercise


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  • July 2009 (1)
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