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April 2007 - Posts

SSIS Design Pattern - Custom Error Handling

I was working on error handling with SSIS recently and came up with what I believe is a snappy way to address it. The solution presented below is partial. For one, I would encourage you to use a database table to house errors; for another, I would encourage
Posted by andy | 1 Comments
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SSIS Design Pattern - EncryptSensitiveWithPassword

SSIS Design Pattern - EncryptSensitiveWithPassword Deploying SQL Server Integration Services packages is one of the steeper paths on the slopes of the SSIS learning curve. Like almost everything else in life, it makes perfect sense once you understand
Posted by andy | 0 Comments
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SSIS Design Pattern - Dynamic SQL

Introduction I sometimes miss the ActiveX task in DTS. It was cool because "if you could see it, you could change it." I used the ActiveX Task to generate dynamic SQL. When To Use Dynamic SQL In SSIS There are lots of uses for dynamic SQL in SSIS. If
Posted by andy | 1 Comments
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