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Database Testing on .Net Rocks!

I am honored to be the guest of a .Net Rocks! show on Database Testing! Richard Campbell, Carl Franklin, and I recorded the show last night and I had a lot of fun!

Richard and I commiserated about the "DBA condition" in the enterprise. Everyone shared "war stories" about projects. A good time was had by all.

I have to thank Chris Love - friend, tireless advocate of the Raleigh Developer Community, fellow Solid Quality Mentor, and (finally!) MVP - for setting this up. He was the gracious emcee of my recent presentation on Testing The Database to TriNUG (Triangle .Net User Group). Chris had heard a recent .Net Rocks! show where the discussion turned briefly to database testing, so he did the leg work to put Carl, Richard, and myself together for this show.

The show is scheduled for release 29 Jan 2008.

:{> Andy

Published Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:45 AM by andy



Frank La Vigne said:

February 7, 2008 3:16 PM
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