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More Pictures From the Richmond Heroes Happen {Here} Event!

Susan presents SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services.

Awesome introduction about installation, configuration, and security! Thanks Susan!

Tickets! Get your swag tickets!

Can you see the clock cycles? Well? Can you? I can.

Who let this guy in? I thought there was a sign-up sheet...


This has been an awesome, awesome day! Thanks Steve Fibich for taking point and leading the organization effort. Thanks Ron Deskins for your tireless efforts on behalf of the Richmond Developer Community. Thanks to Susan, Steve, and Kevin for sharing your knowledge in outstanding presentations. Thanks Kevin, Justin, Harper, Bob, Bruce, and everyone else who came out to participate - adding to the knowledge exchange with your excellent questions and interaction.

Great work team!


Special thanks to Brock Barnett and the great team at MaconIT (Carin and Gregg)! Every time we have an event in the Richmond Developer Community, MaconIT always steps up to support us, without hesitation or question. I love you guys (and I'm including you in "guys" Carin - no offense...)! the subs were awesome!

Solid Quality Mentors provided breakfast (Panera Bread - mmmmm....) and a voucher for training at an upcoming Solid Quality Directions event! Special thanks to Solid Quality!


- as always - is our rock for these events. The big reason for this - at least in Richmond - is TBDDEOTP (The Best Damn Developer Evangelist On The Planet): G. Andrew Duthie, aka DevHammer.

:{> Andy

Published Saturday, August 16, 2008 3:22 PM by andy



presentations said:

How was it?: Thank you everyone for coming out and joining us for the SQL Server 2008 Community Event

August 20, 2008 5:24 AM
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