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Applied Team System

New E-Book: Mastering Database Edition Volume 1

My first e-book is out! Mastering VS 2008 Team System Database Edition, Vol 1: Creating and Deploying Database Projects is available at Solid Quality Press.

Volume 1 of the Mastering Visual Studio 2008 Team System Database Edition series focuses on creating and deploying database projects. The goal of the manuscript is to provide the concise and practical knowledge required to build and deploy a database project. Topics include database project creation, database deployment, database development principles and best practices, version control, and database application lifecycle management.

I'm writing Volume 2 now which focuses on Database Testing with Database Edition.

:{> Andy

Published Wednesday, June 11, 2008 3:19 PM by andy



Team System News said:

Applied Team System on New E-Book: Mastering Database Edition Volume 1 Maor David on Team Build - Dynamically...

June 16, 2008 5:58 AM

Jorriss said:

Can anyone else access the site? I'm getting a dead link.

June 16, 2008 10:23 AM

andy said:

Hi Joriss,

  Sorry you're seeing a dead link. If you go to http://solidq.com and click Bookstore, then eBook Press it should take you to the page.

Hope this helps,


June 16, 2008 1:52 PM
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