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SSIS and Reporting Services Web Services

This post covers accessing web services in an SQL Server 2008 SSIS package, in particular the web service provided by Reporting Services 2005 in both MSRS 2005 and MSRS 2008. I have a need to generate reports on a schedule and/or on an event driven basis

dtexec.exe what are you doing? (part II)

This is the second part in a very short series covering dtexec and how to see exactly what package it is executing. Last time we covered how to see what dtexec was doing using PowerShell and WMI . This was great for checking all the different packages
Posted by steve | 1 Comments
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dtexec.exe what are you doing?

dtexec.exe is the program that is executed to run dtsx packages in SSIS 2005. This executable is called if you call a Integration Services package through SQL Server Agent or through the command line directly. The problem I am trying to solve today is
Posted by steve | 1 Comments
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