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Write 10,000 Lines of Code in 10 Minutes
I received an 'advertisement' in my inbox today from one of my email subscriptions. This is what is exactly what is wrong with our industry! We have marketing ads like this that imply that more lines of code faster equates to a better product! CIO's and managers who don't know any better think this is great. Just plug it ...
The most valuable thing I've learned about technology in my professional career
Sometimes you just have to accept that it works, follow the recipe, and just use it rather than understand it. I call it hitting the 'I believe' button. Then an amazing thing happens; over time the more and more you use the technology or work with it, you'll come to learn how it actually works and understand it better than you ever would ...
On the uphill side of things again
Preface - as a note, at my job we all work remotely in different areas and do most of our communication via IM and phone (yet we still manage to write decent software despite what some would say about that being possible).One of our uppers has been helping steer the ship where we've been banging the drums on and we've finally gotten to the point ...