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Andy's SQL Server 2008 June CTP Risk-Averse Installation

So, you have the and you cannot wait to install them and start tinkering! Spend some time first with the ReadMe files - please.

One thing you will note right away: side-by-side installation is not supported. In fact, I tried uninstalling SQL Server 2005 on a VPC before installing SQL Server 2008 - no dice. Everything but the workstation tools installs, durnit!

I ended up building a new VPC from scratch. You can get for free. You can also get a free 180-day trial edition of . If you're in a hurry and are willing to sacrifice 150 days of trial time, you can get a pre-configured containing a 30-day trial version of Windows Server 2003.

If you're new to Virtual PC setup, I have a detailed walk-through on building a Team Foundation Virtual Server that includes sections that demonstrate creating and loading Windows 2003 Server. The articles of interest here are:

  • Build VPC
  • Setup VPC (which includes loading Windows 2003 Server on the VPC you just built)

Once you get your virtual server all configured like you like it, make sure you run Manage Your Server and set it up as an Application Server. Enable ASP.Net, not FrontPage Extensions. Another part of the walk-through - Configure IIS - demonstrates this.

The installation for SQL Server 2008 is remarkably similar to its predecessor. I include the following steps / screenshots as they reflect my experience with the installation:

Unpack the ISO image. Execute the Setup.exe application:

Accept the End User License Agreement:

Click the Install button to install SQL Server 2008 prerequisites:

When the prerequisites installation completes, click the Next button:

The SQL Server Installation Wizard starts:

System Configuration Check executes and reports any errors or warnings. Address any errors reported. It's wise to take a good look at all warnings:

Enter your registration information:

Select the components you wish to install. Click the Advanced button for detailed configuration options:

You may be tempted to make changes to the default locations here. I caution you - this is the first public CTP. Changes to the defaults are risky!

Although I selected all the options under Documentation, Samples, and Sample Databases; the sample databases were not installed (see previous note):

Once options are configured click the Next button:

There's a note in the ReadMe about Named Instances. I consider this a "clue" and make this the Default Instance:

I use the local system account to start services and configure all services to start automatically:

I choose Mixed Mode authentication and supply a good strong password (no need to take any chances here...):

I accept the defaults on collation and click the Next button:

I accept the defaults on Reporting Services configuration:

Note: You will not see this page in the installation wizard if you do not have IIS installed and configured. The best ay to get IIS set up on your Windows Server 2003 is the Configure Your Server Wizard.

Select Error Reporting Options and click the Next button:

I accept the defaults here. C'mon - it's a CTP! Send the feedback for goodness' sake! ;)

The Ready To Install screen displays - click the Install button to start the installation:

Installation was comparable to SQL Server 2005 installation - perhaps a bit quicker:

Click the Finish button to complete the installation:

That's it! SQL Server 2008 (Katmai) June CTP is installed and ready!


:{> Andy

Technorati Tags: Katmai SQL Server 2008 SSIS

Published Friday, June 08, 2007 11:35 AM by andy
Filed under:


Friday, June 22, 2007 2:46 PM by SQL Server 2008 - CTP (SSQA)

# SQL Server 2008 (Katmai) June CTP Risk-Averse Installation

Every trade has got high-risk profession, IT has no exclusion and due to the considerable risks involved

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