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My 2008 PASS Sumit Presentations

I am honored to be selected to present at the 2008 PASS Summit!

I'm presenting two sessions: Test-Driven Development For Database Professionals and SSIS Scripting. I've been working on the presentations recently and realize there will be a few minutes left in the SSIS Scripting talk unless I talk slow. (Some people say I talk slow enough already - and that I have a Southern accent. Can you believe it?)

Anyway, I open the floor to you good people - the readers of my blog: What cool (or useful, or challenging) SSIS Scripting demo would you like to see? We'll make it a contest. Leave a comment here (keep in mind I moderate comments so they will not appear automatically) and I'll pick one.

I'll have to come up with some cool gift to award the winner.

:{> Andy

Published Saturday, September 13, 2008 5:05 PM by andy


Tuesday, September 16, 2008 5:26 PM by steve

# SSIS Scripting talk ideas

reading ADO DataSet object variable(s) into the dataFlow pipeline as a data source, so you don't have to have for-loop going over a SQL Task.

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