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The internet abounds with documentation and blog posts about logon triggers, introduced to SQL Server 2005 in service pack 2. Recently I had the opportunity to work with them developing an imperfect solution to provide a temporary bandage for a vendor's poor SQL security design; a recipe for delving into the dusty, forgotten corners of the ...
Sometimes Books Online really ruffles my feathers, and this is one of those times. We have a separate security department that handles our IT security. They'd like to have their accounts be able to just administer the security on our SQL Server boxes, and not have to worry about the tremendous responsibility of having sysadmin and the ...
Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black. - Henry Ford in his autobiography ''My Life and Work'' SQL Server has a stored procedure for creating new SQL Agent jobs called sp_add_job, and this stored procedure has a parameter named @start_step_id. However, when you try to create a new job with a ...
Object Limit And SQL PowerShell Provider?
One of the applications we have from a vendor has a SQL Server 2005 database with over 50,000 tables. I was using the PowerShell provider for SQL Server to search through the tables to find any that had the word 'ROLE' in it using the following command: get-childitem *ROLE* But, in the results, only two tables where returned, and I was ...
My first e-book is out! Mastering VS 2008 Team System Database Edition, Vol 1: Creating and Deploying Database Projects is available at Solid Quality Press. Volume 1 of the Mastering Visual Studio 2008 Team System Database Edition series focuses on creating and deploying database projects. The goal of the manuscript is to provide ...
Introduction: The World Series (1979) and Photography Willie ''Pops'' Stargell started my interest in photography (...a funny way to start a post on a Team System blog site, but bear with me). Pops Stargell led the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates to win the World Series. He was the MVP that year as well. My Mom, in the only time I ever ...
A long long time ago in a place far far away... A project for a large retailer started with a project mangler er, manager and a lowly database developer. The project manager ''had once been a developer'' and fancied he still was. The database developer also ''had once been a developer'' but hadn't practiced the craft in several years ...
How to Cheat at Securing SQL Server 2005 is now available! K. Brian Kelley is one of the authors and blogs about the release. I'll be ordering a copy soon! :{> Andy